Rachel Gurnett, Seafarer Education & Data Co-ordinator, and Nick Chubb, Business Developer attended the RN NETS (Naval Education and Training Service) CPD event to provide an update on the provision, as part of the Marine Society’s continuing relationship with Royal Naval staff to NETSO’s (Officers).
The Marine Society continues to offer tutor-supported distance learning courses for Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Fleet Auxiliary Personnel at a discounted rate and thanks to a their partnership with Greenwich Hospital, also offering spouses of Royal Naval personnel a 50% discount on courses.
The event took the form of an open discussion between Marine Society and the NETS team, presenting the latest on the course provision and in education generally, such as the move to linear qualifications. Practical ideas were raised on ways to continue developing the relationship with advisers and provide the best support for learners throughout their studies. This includes Marine Society advisers providing more regular updates about services and courses, and NETSO’s and RN Education Centres being more aware of the types of support available to potential and current learners. Both teams seek to continue working together and build professional relationships in order to provide the best educational opportunities that meet serving personnel’s needs, targets and academic goals.
With the recent Good grading from Ofsted, Marine Society are now focused on increasing the number of learners who can benefit from the provision.